
Showing posts from 2017

Tips for a User-Friendly App Design

Mobile app industry is growing at its best. Many mobile apps are developed every day but not many of them become successful. Other than the app's consistency and functionality, the first thing with which the user encounters is the "design" of the app. If the design of your app isn't much effective and attractive there are chances that you may lose most of your customers. Here are some of the basic tips that can be used to design your app in a user-friendly manner to increase the number of users and to retain the existing ones. Have a look: 1.     Use of limited colors: No doubt app's design play a crucial role in making it a success but don't overdo the designing by using too many colors. Use fewer colors and let users navigate easily. 2.     Guide with icons: Enhance the user experience by making icons as an essential asset. While developing an app use the icons as a guiding element for the users. 3.     Compatibility: What'

What to do When Developing an App?

Having an app is no more considered as an option but it is a need. Everyone is now developing their app be it a brand, small business or a startup. As such we can see a number of apps available in the app store. But the growing competition in the app industry has made it very clear that just developing an app won't solve any purpose. You need to have some unique features and functionalities in your app to make it popular among the users and get an instant boost in the number of downloads. Developing an app is somehow considered simple and is done just for the fact that everyone else is doing it. But in actual, developing an app is not an easy process and requires constant efforts of the app developer company . And as a result of many available apps and the competition in the app industry, the app should be so innovative and useful that it give reasons to the users to switch from the present app. In order to do so, you need to build an outstanding app which is if not p

Best App Development Android/IPhone Apps

Planning to go mobile? Invest in ChromeInfotech, one of the leading app development companies globally, which is known for the value it offers to its clients globally. With over 500 apps successfully developed, the brand has become a renowned name in the list of reliable app developer companies.

How to Integrate Security in Mobile App Development

Is your business app secure enough? If you answered yes, then think again! While your development team is working their fingers to the bone to create the next revolutionizing app, a group of hackers is also planning ways of developing the next malware. And, from attacking a company’s intellectual property to threatening the privacy of its users, such cyber attackers can literally mangle all the efforts of a mobile app development team. There is no denying (especially after the disastrous WannaCrycyber attack) that, with the exponential growth in smartphone users and mobile software development, the hacker culture is booming as well.