How to Integrate Security in Mobile App Development

Is your business app secure enough? If you answered yes, then think again!

While your development team is working their fingers to the bone to create the next revolutionizing app, a group of hackers is also planning ways of developing the next malware. And, from attacking a company’s intellectual property to threatening the privacy of its users, such cyber attackers can literally mangle all the efforts of a mobile app development team. There is no denying (especially after the disastrous WannaCrycyber attack) that, with the exponential growth in smartphone users and mobile software development, the hacker culture is booming as well.

Today, we exchange sensitive data, store important information, communicate via mobiles, and upload files digitally. And, the biggest security threats pave their way mainly through communication modes, such as SMSs, MMSs, wi-fi, and Bluetooth. However, vulnerabilities in software also play a role. The rule of thumb is to appropriately test the security in every phase of app development. 

So, it is critical for every mobile apps company to include the appropriate security testing during the systems development life cycle of the app. Here are a few measures that you can embed in the different stages to stave off the possibility of security infringement.

Ways to Integrate Security Measures in the Different Phases of the App Development Cycle
1. Requirements Gathering and Analysis
Reviewing the security risks and incorporating the relevant measures in the initial stages of development can significantly reduce the chances of hackers attacking in the later stages. You should discuss with your team and decide on what strategy drivers you will be using to ensure the safety of your users’ privacy. After all, recognizing the security threats in the early stage of app development is far better than only learning about them from the feedback that users post after rolling out the app.


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